Fisantekraal is located 8km from Durbanville, Cape Town. The City of Cape Town estimates ± 6,000 families making up 30,000 residents, with 75% below the age of 20 years. The community struggles with high unemployment rates as well as child-led families, many of whom are not able to afford food.
Help Feed the
Vulnerable Community
of Fisantekraal
Our Goal is to Raise
R1,287,360 / $71,500
- 100% of these funds will go towards buying soap and food parcels.
- A food parcel of ± R60 consists of staples which will be distributed to each of the ± 6,000 families.
- We aim to blanket the entire community a minimum of 3 times, ideally once per week.
- The 1,000 most vulnerable families have been identified and prioritised with the help of community organizations and social workers.
- Each person will be fed at an estimated cost of R1.71 or $0.10
Co-founder & CEO – Chanan54
Our strategy is to blanket the community (30,000) multiple times in a systematic way, see the progress map. Cash flow permitting, we are planning doing fewer but larger drops, thereby minimising our volunteer’s exposure to COVID19 and possible risk to physical safety. A very small team will respond to specific requests for the most vulnerable.
Chanan54 parcels are rations, intended to keep people from starvation and not intended as balanced meal. We therefore don’t believe there will be any conflict with the other smaller relief organisations who have more substantial parcels to delivered to individual requests, as the need is so deep.
(slide the green bar left or right to see figures in Rands/kg or Dollars/lbs)
You can give via EFT if you're in South Africa, or via PayPal and credit or debit card if you're anywhere in the world.
EFT Information
Chanan54 NPC
Type: Current account
Account no: 6284 0922 612
Branch Code: 250312
Ref: COVID19 – Your Name
Click here to download the bank account confirmation letter.
Reg: 2017/541302/08
NPO: 229-262
PBO: 930068935
Credit/Debit Card
Chanan54 uses PayPal to process credit and debit card payments. You don’t need a PayPal account to give.